Be a better mover.  

Moving better begins with the movements you do the most.

How can I enhance my body posture?

As I've established myself in my career, I've become increasingly aware of the prolonged hours I spend sitting at my desk. Despite my consistent gym visits and weekly yoga sessions aimed at mitigating the adverse impacts of sitting, I've found that these efforts, while beneficial, haven't produced a substantial improvement in my posture. What steps can I take to truly enhance my posture?


How can I prevent sporadic bouts of back pain?

I'm growing increasingly frustrated with the rising frequency of my recurrent back pain episodes. Despite my attempts at physical therapy, chiropractic care, and massage therapy, these treatments have assisted me in managing the pain but have not succeeded in reducing the occurrence of these unpredictable back pain episodes. How can you provide guidance to help me find a solution?

Are there additional proactive measures I can adopt to promote graceful aging?

I take pride in being proactive about my physical health and overall well-being, yet I have concerns about the possibility of premature physical aging. I maintain a regular exercise routine, pay close attention to my diet, and prioritize a full eight hours of sleep each night. Could your approach offer an additional layer of support to help address these concerns?


An Introduction to HUMOMA

A sample movement management lesson

“I would recommend Dr. Omel’s movement course for everyone! As a registered nurse of nearly 20 years, I learned so much from Dr. Omel.”

━ Alaine K.